Entrepreneurial Living Learning Community (UNO CIEF)

The Entrepreneurial Living Learning Community (ELLC) is open to students of any field of study at UNO. Students accepted into the ELLC as freshmen live in Scott Village during their freshman year. Freshmen also receive one of a limited number of $1,500 entrepreneurship scholarships for international travel and startup costs, with the possibility of renewal at $1,000 for returning sophomores. Additionally, ELLC students are required to take an entrepreneurship class together as a cohort in the fall semester of freshman and sophomore year.

Applicants to the ELLC must provide a current resume and complete a 250-word essay addressing the following: "Why I want to be a part of the Entrepreneurial Living Learning Community.” The selection committee is more concerned about your interests and accomplishments in innovation and entrepreneurship than your test scores or GPA.

When applying for housing, students should select Scott Village as their first housing preference and indicate their interest in the Entrepreneurial Living Learning Community. Students accepted into the ELLC are GUARANTEED housing on campus.

More information can be found at entrepreneurship.unomaha.edu/ELLC. Any additional questions can be directed to Alexandra Wewel, Director of the ELLC, at entrepreneurship@unomaha.edu.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you also applying to any of these other scholarships? Select all that apply.
  2. What do you think you would like to major in? List up to three majors you might like to study at UNO.
  3. What career industries interest you? Select all that apply.
  4. Please briefly describe your interest and experience in entrepreneurship.
  5. Will you be a student athlete at UNO?
  6. If so, what sport will you play?
  7. Based on the information you have now, who will be paying for your college education? (If you are unsure, give your best estimate).
    • What percent will be paid by other means? i.e. grants, scholarships, loans, etc.
    • What percent will be your family’s responsibility?
    • What percent will be your responsibility?
  8. Will you be employed during school?
  9. If so, about how many hours do you plan to work each week?
  10. Attach a 250-300 word essay regarding the following: "Why I would like to be part of the Entrepreneurial Living Learning Community." In your essay, be sure to describe any experiences, projects or jobs you have had that demonstrate your interest in innovation or entrepreneurship.
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