Dodson-Bloom Abroad Scholarship
The Dodson-Bloom Abroad Scholarship is awarded to regularly enrolled undergraduate students at the University of Nebraska at Omaha participating in a study abroad experience for the first time during the year in which the scholarship is awarded.
Students must be pursuing a major in foreign languages with a concentration in Spanish, Department of World Languages and Literature, Colleges of Arts and Sciences at UNO, or pursuing a major in secondary education with a Spanish Language endorsement, Department of Teacher Education, College of Education at UNO.
Two $1000 scholarships will be awarded.
- Award
- Varies
- Deadline
- 04/04/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- By applying for this scholarship now (application period is September 1, 2024 to March 1, 2054), you are applying for the Dodson-Bloom Abroad Scholarship for the Summer 2025 term. Candidates must be enrolled in an accredited study abroad program through the Department of Foreign Languages, College of Arts & Science, University of Nebraska at Omaha. Do you understand these requirements?
- What scholastic distinctions have you received during your time at UNO?
- What is your Spanish GPA?
- Please upload your unofficial transcript from Mavlink. You can find it on the left side of the Home page under ‘Academics.’ Click ‘Unofficial Transcript’ in the expanded menu.
- List your most significant extracurricular and community service activities related to the study of Spanish.
- You must provide the name and email address of one reference below. The reference you list will be sent an email asking to complete a reference questionnaire on your behalf. The reference you list must be a Professor or Reference in the Department of Foreign Language and Literature at UNO.
- Do you have prior Study Abroad Experience?
- If you answered yes to the previous question, please describe your Study Abroad Experience.
- Please explain your financial need as it relates to resources for travel outside the United States?
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