Martha C Page Study Abroad Travel Fund

The Martha C. Page Study Abroad Travel Fund is awarded to students traveling to French speaking countries in an accredited study abroad program through the Department of Foreign Languages at UNO. Students must be regularly enrolled students majoring in French. Candidates must have a GPA of 3.0 or above. Candidates shall have demonstrated exemplary performance in the classroom, for example, through regular attendance, participation and respectful behavior towards other students and teachers. Preference shall be given to candidates who have demonstrated need with respect to resources for travel outside the United States.

One $1000 scholarship will be awarded.

Supplemental Questions
  1. By applying for this scholarship now (application period is September 1, 2024 to March 1, 2025), you are applying for the Martha C. Page Study Abroad Travel Fund for the Summer 2025 term.

    Candidates must be enrolled in an accredited study abroad program through the Department of Foreign Languages, College of Arts & Science, University of Nebraska at Omaha. Do you understand these requirements?

  2. What scholastic distinctions have you received during your time at UNO?
  3. What is your French GPA?
  4. Please upload your unofficial transcript from Mavlink. You can find it on the left side of the Home page under ‘Academics.’ Click ‘Unofficial Transcript’ in the expanded menu.
  5. List your most significant extracurricular and community service activities related to the study of French.
  6. You must provide the name and email address of one reference below. The reference you list will be sent an email asking to complete a reference questionnaire on your behalf. The reference you list must be a Professor or Reference in the Department of Foreign Language and Literature at UNO.
  7. Do you have prior Study Abroad Experience?
  8. If you answered yes to the previous question, please describe your Study Abroad Experience.
  9. Please explain your financial need as it relates to resources for travel outside the United States?
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