German American Society Scholarship

Students meeting the following criteria shall be eligible for the German American Society Scholarship:
a. Candidates must have taken at least one year of German courses at the 3000/4000-level at UNO and intend to continue the study of German.
b. Candidates shall have demonstrated exemplary performance in the classroom, for example, through regular attendance, participation and respectful behavior towards other students and teachers.
c. Candidates shall have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or above.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Candidates must have taken at least one year of German courses at the 3000/4000-level at UNO and intend to continue the study of German. Do you understand this requirement?
  2. What is your German GPA?
  3. Please upload your unofficial transcript from Mavlink. You can find it on the left side of the Home page under ‘Academics.’ Click ‘Unofficial Transcript’ in the expanded menu.
  4. What scholastic distinctions have you received during your time at UNO?
  5. List your most significant extracurricular and community service activities related to the study of German.